2008 Black Bear Pictures

Welcome to our 2008 black bear pictures.

In the summer of 2007 we began getting pictures of a black bear. Since that time we have continued to get pictures of a black bear from time to time. We're not sure how many black bears are visiting us but we do know that we have never gotten a picture with more than one bear in it.

It was obvious last year that the first pictures we captured were of a smaller bear and then latere pictures were of a larger bear. Since we are not bear experts we do not know how fast they grow, but we think that we have pictures of at least two different black bear.

Please enjoy our 2008 black bear pictures.

Black bear

I spilled some corn when I took the feeder down and the black bear showed up that evening.

Black Bear

I'm not sure what the bear was looking at here. I don't think there is anything on our property that would try to move a black bear away from the feeder.

Scratching black bear

Sometimes a bear needs to stop eating and have a good scratch.

Bear moving feeder

Here he is moving one the legs of the feeder. Below he seems to be looking up wondering where the feeder went.

Black Bear

SpyCam Black Bear picture

This picture and the next two show the black bear right before it knocked the feeder over, destroying the spinner/timer. The feeder is missing in the pictures following these pictures.

May 12 black bear

Hungry black bear

Black Bear Close Up

This bear took a real close look at this camera. I'm glad he didn't decide to mess with it this time.

Black Bear Reconyx 1

This picture and the next three were taken when the black bear visited one of the feeders and hung around waiting for a snack.

Black Bear Reconyx 2

Black Bear Reconyx 3

Black Bear Reconyx 4

Camtrakker Bear

Last week this feeder's spinner plate fell off and it dumped a lot of corn on the ground. This week it was empty and the bear was wondering what happened to all of the corn.

StealthCam Bear

This bear visited both feeders and they were both empty.

Mineral lick bear

Here is the black bear at one of our mineral licks. I'm not sure if he liked the minerals or just stopped for a drink.

Black bear close up

I'm not quite sure what part of the bear we are looking at here, but he dameged the camera.

Green Eyed Bear

Here is our favorite black bear at one of the feeders. The flash sure did make his eyes bright green.

Corn fed bear

This picture and the next two show the bear eating at our other feeder. The spinner plate came off of the spinner and spilled a lot of corn on the ground. The bear spent a lot of time here and even laid down for a while.

Sitting bear

Lying Bear

January black bear

Our first black bear visit in 2008 was on the evening of February 6th. I showed up to collect the pictures the next morning. My timing was just a little off, depending on how you look at it. The bear showed up at both feeders on a rainy night which made the pictures more difficult to see. This one is a close-up.

Leave the 2008 Black Bear Pictures and take a look at the 2007 Bear Pictures

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