September 18 Whitetail Pictures

We caught one more new buck this week, a small ten point and the new buck from last week showed up without velvet. Without velvet we were able to see that this buck is actually an eleven point. The rest of our regulars are still showing up, but we've noticed that they are moving more now.

Last week we saw our first rubs and scrapes. I didn't see any new rubs this week but new scrapes are still showing up. I've seen more scrapes than rubs so far this year.

I didn't have much success at the two scrapes this week. The batteries died on one camera and the other camera had a catapillar cocoon covering the sensor eye. I just couldn't figure out why this camera wasn't detecting movement.

I only got pictures of a couple of small bucks that still had velvet, most have shed.

This week I have cameras on three scrapes, we'll see what happens this week.

We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures this week so check back next week.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Swamp Ghost, Trail Watcher 2060, Trail Watcher 4220, Treebark Cameras 4.1, and Penns Woods Digital Scout DS-07.

Eleven point buck

The buck that we thought was a ten point in velvet last week turned out to be an eleven point. Swamp Ghost

Eleven point buck

Since this buck just shows up at our apple trees I don't think we'll see him a lot so I put two pictures of him on this week. Swamp Ghost.

Eight point buck

I think this is the eight point we saw at the srape last week. Swamp Ghost

Ten point buck

This is the small ten point that showed up for the first time this week. Trail Watcher 2060

Nine point buck

The smaller of our two nine point bucks. Trail Watcher 4220

Two whitetail bucks

The bigger nine point with the crab claw eight point. Penns Woods DS-07

Young eight point buck

One of the small eight point bucks. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Big eight point buck

Our big eight point buck. Treebark Cameras 4.1

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