September 5 Whitetail PicturesWe saw our first buck with shed velvet last week so I expected to see more this week, which we did but our regular bucks weren't among them. It looks like we had three bucks show up this week that we hadn't seen before, two of which had shed their velvet. All three of these bucks were older bucks and I'd like to get more pictures of each of them. I put pictures of these three bucks at the bottom of the page for you to take a look at and for me to be able to look back at later. Our largest nine point was showing some blood in the pictures from later in the week. Maybe he'll have shed his velvet by next week. We found one scrape and put a camera on it and we also put a camera along an old logging road that has given us some great pictures in the past. We'll see what shows up, but I know as the fall progresses we'll watch for scrapes more and more. I had commented that we were not seeing spike bucks, but this week they showed up. We'll see if they hang around. We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures this week so check back next week. This weeks pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 4220, StalkerCam, Trail Watcher 2060, Trail Watcher 2040 and Treebark Cameras 4.1. ![]()