Join us in the Food Plot Journal where we can work together to grow food plots for whitetail deer.
June 30, 2006 Issue Number 016
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In this issue....
June 2006 Food Plot Update
Coyote Calls
Camping Out...Almost
June Food Plot Journal
June has seen the deer spending more time in our clover plots, two of our spring plots growing like mad and two of our spring plots experiencing a little difficulty. We're not sure about the plot of Extreme.
Our digital game camera pictures have revealed that June is a critical month for antler growing. In the month of June the bucks have gone from developing brow tines to growing full sets of antlers. It sure seems to me that this is one of the main months to try to add to their diet. I think that some of our plots have helped them and I'm not sure about a couple of them.
Oldhouse Food Plot
The oldhouse food plot still leads the pack for deer traffic. Even though the plot isn't in the greatest of shape it is still attracting a lot of deer along with the mineral lick.
About half of the plot is now clover but it's still hanging in quite nicely.
We mowed the plot twice, on June 14th and July 1st. In past years we've lost plots to grass by not mowing them often enough this time of year. Since the clover doesn't mind being mowed we went ahead and mowed them again.
We also cleared a small area next to the plot so we can expand the plot a little when we plant it later this summer. We cut out three trees and some briars and sprayed it with Round Up.

Here is a picture showing three deer eating in the food plot.
Corn Patch Plot
This plot is getting a lot of deer activity and the clover still looks real nice. There is also an apple tree in the plot that drops a green apple from time to time. On Friday evening a doe came up to grab a bite and watched me mow grass for a little while.
We also mowed this plot twice.
It's not uncommon for us to get pictures of deer lying in these clover plots at night.

You can see three deer and another set of eyes in the food plot. One deer is lying down. This picture was taken at 10:10 PM.
Old Garden Food Plot
The garden plot isn't the best plot of clover but there are a few deer that like to hang out here. We can see this plot from our screened in porch and can watch them eat in the evenings.
I'll have to decide how long I want to wait until I replant this plot. I'll probably wait until I have extra time some spring or fall unless it gets a lot worse. Since it’s still attracting deer I’m not in a big hurry.

This was one of our favorite pictures and it was taken in the garden food plot.
Middle Clearing Food Plot
The Extreme in the middle clearing isn't doing well but there is some clover growing. In June we started getting pictures of deer eating in the plot. From June 3rd to the 23rd our camera took just over 200 pictures of deer and turkeys in the plot. They're still eating in the plot so they’re getting some good out of it.
I'd been tempted to go ahead and get ready to replant this plot but the deer traffic in it will get this plot some extra life. It will push the re-planting back later into the summer or fall.
We did get the opportunity to do some work to expand this plot. It's not a lot of ground but it's better than losing. Hopefully we'll be able to take out a few more trees and at least open it up to more sun.

Here are three deer eating in the plot.
Whippoorwill Food Plot
The weed that took over the Extreme in this plot last year is BACK. The little weed with the pretty purple flower has come back and there is little evidence of the Power Plant.
On the good side our game cameras took over 70 pictures in 7 days. All of them are deer eating in the plot.
I'm a little frustrated about the outcome but I can't argue with the fact that deer are eating in the plot.
I’m not sure if the downfall of the Power Plant was the trouble I had planting it or the deer overgrazing it. I’m leaning towards the planting problems for now.
I'll probably replant this plot this fall with one of the brassica blends that I have. Last year I mowed the weeds in the late summer and the weeds died. I'd like to get something planted here for them to eat in the fall.
This is one of the pictures we got of deer eating in the plot.
Hayfield Food Plot
The Power Plant in the hayfield plot is growing a little better than in the whippoorwill plot. There is some deer activity but not as much as at whippoorwill. I've put one of my best cameras on this plot to see what the deer are doing here.
The Maximum has jumped up real nice and looks great. The only problem is that the deer aren't paying any attention to it. I've yet to catch a deer eating it. I believe that they will sooner or later, but I'd like to see them eating here while their antlers are growing. Even though you can plant Maximum in the spring or fall it may be better suited to the fall in our area.
We're watching it closely to see when they start eating it. Our digital game cameras are coming in real handy here.
Once the hay is cut we plan on expanding this plot. We have some LabLab Plus that we plan on planting.
Here is a picture of a doe and a fawn walking through the Maximum. They didn't stop for a bite.
Right Of Way Food Plot
The Ultra Forage in the right of way looks just like the Maximum only it's a little bigger since it was planted earlier.
A large Maple tree is shading the plot so we'll probably need to take this tree out some time to let more light in.
So far the deer haven't decided to eat this as well but we're watching it. At least it looks good and healthy. It makes for pretty pictures.
This was the only deer that walked through this food plot in one week and it didn't stick around but we did catch a bobcat and a coyote the week before.
So far our food plot season has been a good one. We're trying new things and learning from them. Our goal is to provide good food plots for the deer year round. Right now they’re eating in the clover, Power Plant and Extreme plots. Maybe they will hit the brassicas later when the clover plots get sparse in late summer to early fall.
We're also starting our preparations for our fall plantings. Some of our seed blends can be planted as early as July 15th so we'll try to get another plot going by late July or early August.
Coyote Calls
I bought a Knight and Hale predator call from Cabela's last week. I had a ten dollar gift certificate and needed to buy something before it expired. Since we got our first digital pictures of coyotes and bobcats this year it sounded like a good idea. We'd been hearing them in the hollows for several years and have spotted them on a couple of occasions while deer hunting.
On Saturday night Ryan and I thought that we'd give it a try right before dark. We had low hopes since we were setting up close to the house and I was wearing a white T-shirt.
Ryan had a .22 just in case.
I started blowing on that thing, sounding like a good coyote meal, and we saw something running in our direction. The first time we blew the call and something was running to us.
Believe it or not, it was a deer running in our direction, each time I blew the call it kept running to us.
Finally it ended up about 30 yards from us before it went back over the hill.
Hopefully we can be this successful once deer season comes in.
Camping Out....Almost
My son and daughter decided they wanted to sleep out in their tent again this year. If you remember from last year we stayed in the tent in the oldhouse food plot and I’ve just now recovered from the soreness. This year they set it up in the yard and I was allowed to miss the occasion since they said that I made it too crowded. That didn't bother me a bit.
The next night Ryan talked me into staying out there with him. I didn't really want to but since we had heard some coyotes howling the night before I'd hoped to hear them again. We also stole the cushions off of the couch.
Shortly after getting into the tent I felt like something was crawling on my arm. Ryan slapped at it and it didn't move. I picked it off my arm and discovered it was a tick. Neither one of us wanted to wake up with less blood.
That bed back in the house sure felt good.
I'll stay in the outdoors all day and if I find a tick on me I'll just take it off and keep on going, but when I'm sleeping I'd rather not have them crawling on me. I'll hear the coyotes another night I’m sure.
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