April 15 Whitetail Pictures

Our cameras were out for almost two weeks again and this set of pictures showed spring jumping into full bloom. It's nice to see green in the background again.

The bucks do not have velvet racks to brag about yet, but you can see that they are starting to sprout. In years past we were seeing a few inches of velvet antler by the end of April so I expect that we will see the same thing within the next couple of weeks.

We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures again this week, but we'll keep looking. Our neighbor heard them one night so they're still around.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Treebark Cameras 4.1, Swamp Ghost and Woodland Spycam.

Young whitetail deer

A doe and young deer were among the first visitors to the fee trough. Woodland Spycam

Feeder Buck

This looks like a young buck just about to sprout his antlers. Woodland Spycam

Sunset Deer

We just thought this was a nice picture. Woodland Spycam

Deer close up

Every once in a while a deer wants a close look at one of our cameras. Woodland Spycam

Whitetail Buck

Here is a buck on the verge of sprouting antlers and I liked the green in the background. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Buck picture

Another young buck on the verge of antler growth. Swamp Ghost

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