April 25th Deer Pictures

The six days that our digital trail cameras were out this time didn't see as much activity as the previous week but we still think we have some interesting pictures to show you. The black bear showed up for another visit but since the feeders didn't dump a large pile of corn on the ground this week the bear didn't stick around long. We got pictures of him checking out both feeders.

Since turkey season opens up here on April 28th we chose two turkey gobbler picures. We generally always get turkey pictures with our cameras but antlered bucks dominate our pages. Now that the bucks are still in the very early stages of antler growth we'll give a little attention to the turkeys that we often see.

We've increased our food plot monitoring and should start to see more activity, but the mineral licks are providing the majority of our pictures at this time of the year.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2040, EagleEye, Trail Watcher 2060 and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.

Turkey Gobbler

It's turkey season so here is one of our gobblers posing for the camera. EagleEye

Pregnant Doe

Do you think this doe is pregnant? The bright circle in the background is the moon, which showed up in several pictures from this site. Trail Watcher 2040

Two whitetail bucks

Here are two bucks at the mineral lick. They don't seem too tolerant of each other. Trail Watcher 2040

Whitetail Deer

This is a nice picture of a young deer whose curiousity was piqued by the camera. Trail Watcher 2040

Early morning turkey gobbler

The second turkey gobbler in the early morning sunrise. Trail Watcher 2060

Whitetail Buck

This is the buck with the largest antler so far. You can see that they are actually starting to split off the brow tines. Camtrakker


After setting up this camera it took a picture of this rainbow when I triggered it to make sure it was working. I didn't realize it captured the rainbow until I looked at the pictures six days later. Trail Watcher 2060

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