April 30th Whitetail Deer Photos

This week we saw the first evidence of a bucks antlers starting to branch into brow tines. It should only get better from here on out.

The deer are also still shedding their heavy winter coats and we're getting some interesting pictures of them in this process. We have one picture below of a doe that you could easily fool for a pie bald deer but I'm pretty sure it is just one of our resident brown does in the middle of the shedding process.

We had a battery go dead in one camera, a deer feeder malfunction and one camera in a food plot that isn't yet drawing a lot of traffic so we didn't have a wealth of photos to look at. On the other hand the camera at one of our mineral licks captured close to 600 pictures, so they seem to be getting interested in the mineral licks again.

For the first time in a couple of weeks we didn't get any bobcat pictures, but with cameras on our food plots again I expect we should start seeing bobcats again and possibly more coyotes.

These pictures were taken with our Camtrakker Digital Ranger, Trail Watcher 2040 and Trail Watcher 2060.

Deer kicking turkey

We have thousands of pictures but I think this is the first one that shows a deer kicking at a turkey. They generall seem to get along better.

Two whitetail bucks

Here are two bucks, the closer one looks like the trophy.

White deer

This is the doe that we could easily mistake for a pie bald deer. She showed up in several pictures and several of the other deer also had white patches of hair.

Turkey Gobbler

Here is a gobbler walking through a freshly planted food plot right in the middle of turkey season.

Whitetail Buck

You can see this bucks antlers are just starting to split.

Licking whitetail deer

We often joke that the deer are laughing at us, but we finally have proof that they do stick their tongues out at us.

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