August 12th Whitetail Deer Pictures

This album of Whitetail Deer Pictures contains digital scouting camera pictures taken in the weeks before August 12, 2005. We had a total of 690 pictures to look at from the three digital game cameras that we had out. We've been seeing the same seven bucks now for several weeks, it looks like they are going to be our regulars as long as they can tolerate each other.

We just recieved another new digital scouting camera, a Woodland SpyCam S4250 from Woodland Outdoor Sports. The preliminary testing inside the house looks promising. It uses a Sony DSC-S40 4.1 megapixel camera. Look for pictures from this cam in the coming weeks.

There is still one buck that we last saw early in the spring. Now that we have one more camera I'm going to take one of our cameras into the woods to see if we can catch him moving around. For some reason he isn't visiting the feeders.

Sparring whitetail bucks

These two young bucks are starting to test each other. They almost always show up together in the pictures so I don't think this is too serious yet. I would guess that they are just feeling each other out.

7 point whitetail buck

This deer has developed into a nice seven point buck but he just can't get much going with his brow tines. He has nice width and tine length and we have noticed that his coat is starting to change to the gray/brown winter coat. The rest of the deer at this feeder are still wearing their reddish summer coats.

spike buck shaking his head

We never know what we are going to see each time we look at the pictures and this is a new one. It looks like this young buck is giving a good head shake. He's probably trying to get rid of some flies.

odd six point buck

We've started calling this buck the oddball buck. He looks like he's growing a mule deer rack. The wound he suffered last year definitely affected his antlers.

9 point and spike buck

Here is the long spike buck checking out a nine point. Notice the body size difference between these two bucks. We know that the nine point is at least 3 1/2 years old since this is the third year we have been watching him. He could be older.

wide racked 8 point buck

We think that this buck was a short tined 8 point last year and he has added some more size this year. He still doesn't have real long tines but is trying to make up for it in width and brow tine length.

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