August 18th Whitetail Deer Photographs

We're not getting as many pictures as we were earlier in the year. With the hayfields cut the deer are spending more time eating in the fields and less time in the food plots. The dry weather has also slowed the food plots down as well.

We have planted one new food plot and re-planted another. The deer are already eating in the new plot but it's in a hard place to catch the deer in. It's not directly bordered by any trees. We caught a deer eating in it when we were putting out the cameras on Saturday.

One of our more interesting things we discovered in this set of pictures was that the nine point buck has bent one of his tines. I'm surprised that at this late date their antlers are still this fragile. I expect to see some bucks who've shed their velvet in two weeks.

We added another mineral lick to spots that we are monitoring with our game cams and we caught a couple of bucks there. We have one more lick that we may start watching soon.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2060, EagleEye and a Woodland SpyCam.

Eight point buck in velvet

We caught this high racked eight point buck on camera twice this week. Once real close and the next time he was on the far side of the food plot.

Spike buck in velvet

We call this buck "spike and a half". We thought this was a nice picture with the morning sun leaving rainbow colors.

Nine point buck with bent antler

Here is the nine point with the bent antler. At least it didn't break off and it will make it easy to identify.

Seven point buck in velvet

I wonder why this buck only has one brow tine. There isn't any hint of a brow tine on the right side.

Eight point buck in velvet

This is an eight point buck near a new mineral lick.

Six point buck in velvet

A six point buck at the same mineral lick.

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