August 22nd Deer Photos

The bucks antlers are getting near the end of their growing period. We usually start seeing bucks shedding velvet in early September so the growth that we are seeing in mid to late August is probably pretty close to what we'll see once their velvet is shed.

We saw all of the bucks that we are looking for including the two ten points, the nine point and a few eight point bucks. Hopefully all of these bucks will stick around through deer season and we can get a look at them from our stands.

Once again I had some camera difficulties. The batteries went dead in one camera, the batteries were loose in another and I'm not sure why another didn't take any pictures so we didn't get as many pictures from our food plots this week.

We didn't get any coyote pictures this week, but we did hear them in the evening so keep watching.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Treebark Cameras 4.1, StalkerCam and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.

Buck with a bent antler

The eight point buck with a bent G-3 tine. StalkerCam

The buck with sticker points. He sure looks like he has genes similar to the buck Ryan shot last year. Camtakker Digital Ranger

BIg Ten Point Buck

A close picture of the wide ten point buck. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Two whitetail bucks

Here is the sticker point buck again checking out a young spike. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

WIde racked ten point buck

This is the wide ten point from the front. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Eight point buck

This is a nice looking eight point. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Ten point whitetail buck

This is the tall narrow ten point buck. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Nine point buck

The nine point buck. Treebark Cameras 4.1

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