August 22nd Deer Pictures

We captured some real nice pictures over the last seven days including two coyote pictures and a bobcat picture. It is interesting that these pictures were all taken in one spot. This partially secluded end of the hayfield location has given us many interesting pictures over the past few years. Make sure you take a look at the bobcat pictures page and the coyote pictures pages.

I don't think we have picked up any new bucks but we caught all of the regulars and I'm still trying to figure out exactly how many eight point bucks we have running around.

We caught three different six point bucks this week and one of them made this page this week.

A friend showed me a picture of a buck that had shed its velvet so I expect we'll soon see them shedding on our property as well. Maby our next set of pictures will include some that have shed.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2035, homemade WhitetailCam P41 and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.

Sticker point buck

For some reason we get quite a few pictures of this buck but we have a hard time getting good close pictures of him. I'm anxious to see what he looks like once he sheds. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Six point buck

This is the six pointer that does not have brow tines along with a few turkeys. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Tw eight point bucks

Here are two of our eight point bucks together. They look so much alike that it is hard to tell them apart. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Split brow tine buck

This eight point has small brow tines and it looks like one of them is split. Trail Watcher 2035

Nine point buck

The big nine point buck at a mineral lick. Trail Watcher 2035

Eight point buck

One of our small eight point bucks in a food plot. Homemade WhitetailCam P41

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