August 26th Whitetail Deer Pictures

This album of Whitetail Deer Pictures contains digital scouting camera pictures taken in the weeks before August 26, 2005. We are now using four digital scouting cameras so once again we had plenty of pictures to choose from. Our newest camera is a Woodland SpyCam. We put it out Friday night and it took 91 pictures using a short delay over a wet and foggy night and morning.

We have noticed that the bucks antlers have not seemed to add much more size over the past couple of weeks. It looks like they're done growing and we'll be watching for the velvet to start to shed. Hopefully we get some good pictures of this process.

I had one camera located at an experimental homemade bucket feeder for the last two weeks. We didn't get any good pictures, just raccoons and a bucket of corn swaying in the breeze.

This week I put two of the four cameras at deer trail locations to see if we can catch any bucks roaming around in other locations. We saw a buck at one of our food plots near the house on Saturday that we don't think we have a picture of yet. I put one camera out to see if we can ambush him.

eight point whitetail

This is a picture of a buck that we are now calling the close racked eight point. It looks like the wide racked seven is behind him. You can see his coat color changing as it is on most of the bucks.

two whitetail bucks

This was a real interesting picture to get on a wet foggy morning. The eight point and odd racked six point have been regulars at our other feeder and this is the first time we've seen them at this feeder. The two feeders are close to one quarter mile apart. As fall approaches I think we'll see more of this and also pick up some other bucks that we haven't seen before.

doe and fawns

This is a cute picture of a doe and her two fawns. Maybe this is how they give each other a hug.

eight point bucks

Here are the two eight point bucks along with the seven and six point bucks that have been regulars. Notice they are all changing coat colors to some degree.

spike buck

I'd like to know just how long those spikes are. Notice the deer in the background feeding in our food plot.

seven point buck

This seven point has one of the most impressive sets of antlers for width and tine length but just couldn't get much of anything going with those brow tines.

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