August 3rd Whitetail Deer Photos

Since I last gathered our pictures on July 30th our cameras were only out for about four days so we didn't have the massive amount of pictures that we have had the last couple of times. None the less, we still have some good pictures for you to take a look at.

We didn't get pictures of any coyotes, bobcats or black bears this week. We never know exactly what we're going to get each week. Next week we could get pictures of all three.

We also didn't get many pictures of the wide nine point buck this week and didn't get one that was good enough to include on this page. This buck disappeared last fall for a while so I'm curious if it does the same thing this year. We'll find out in the weeks to come.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2060, Trail Watcher 2040 and Woodland SpyCam.

Nine point buck

This is the nine point buck with sticker points and the tall racked seven point buck.

Seven Point buck

This is why we call this buck the tall racked seven point buck.

Five point buck

The buck on the right is a young five point buck. It's early in the morning and he looks like he's waiting for corn to start falling from the sky.

Ten point buck

A ten point buck in one of our food plots.

Three whtitetail bucks

Three bucks walking through one of our food plots. I think they are a four, seven and ten point.

Ten point whitetail buck

We think there may be two ten point bucks hanging around our place. Whether or not this ten point is the same as the ten point in the picture above I'm not sure. We're waiting to see if we get two ten point bucks in the same picture.

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