August 31st Deer Pictures

We finally got a picture of a buck that had shed it's velvet and it is the six point that does not have brow tines. His antlers sure look smaller after the velvet peeled off. He's now just a skinny young six point.

We also got some pictures of an eight point that looks nice and tall, but he is in the far background in the few pictures we got of him. I'd like to get a better look at this buck.

Another buck we got a distant picture of looks like he has a much taller rack on one side. He is another buck we would like to get a better look at.

Most of the regular bucks showed up again this week and I'm still having a hard time figuring out exactly how many eight point main frame bucks we have around our place. Either we have several that look similar or we're just seeing the same bucks from different angles. It's fun trying to sort them out.

We got more coyote pictures this week than any other week we've had cameras out. I haven't sorted them all out yet so stay tuned to see our latest pictures.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2035, StalkerCam and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.

Deformed nine point buck

This is a buck that we got pictures of earlier this year noticing the bulge on his right antler. He has grown into a nice buck. This may be the eight point that is in the background of some of the other pictures we had. StalkerCam

Nine point buck

Here is the nine point buck at one of our mineral licks and food plot. Later pictures showed that at least three bucks were at this plot at this time. StalkerCam

Tall eight point buck

This in one of our eight point bucks. I'm guessing that we have at least four different eight point bucks.

Buck and fawn

This is one of my favorite pictures that we have seen over our years of taking deer pictures. Trail Watcher 2035

Eight point buck

Here is another one of our eight point bucks. This one has one small split brow tine. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Six point buck

Here is the first buck to shed his velvet. He sure did lose antler size without his velvet.

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