August 8 Whitetail Photos

This weeks pictures were a little disappointing. We have some nice pictures of nice bucks but we didn't get pictures of a lot of bucks.

We had a couple of difficulties. One of our feeders didn't work properly and another was only spinning for about three seconds so we didn't have a lot of activity in these areas. We also had two cameras act up on us as well. I changed some batteries so hopefully they'll do a better job this week.

We still haven't seen one of the bigger bucks from last year, but we're not giving up. We are seeing three nice bucks, two ten points and a nice eight point. We think the oldest buck of these three is the eight point although he doesn't have the biggest antlers.

We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures this week and the black bear didn't stop by and visit us again this week either so check back next week.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Penns Woods DS-07, StalkerCam, Treebark Cameras 4.1, Swamp Ghost SG-N60 and Trail Watcher 2060.

Big ten point buck

Right now this is our biggest buck and we're not complaining. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Eight point buck

An eight point that we started seeing last week. Trail Watcher 4220

Eight point buck in velvet

One eye, our oldest buck. StalkerCam

Seven point buck

A small seven point with an interesting looking rack. StalkerCam

Two velvet antlered bucks

How about this view of our two ten point bucks. Trail Watcher 2060

Ten point buck

The smaller of our two ten point bucks. Swamp Ghost

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