Bobcat Pictures

I’d not seen any bobcats on our property and I hadn’t gotten any bobcat pictures with our digital game cameras in thousands of pictures. I knew that other hunters had shot bobcats near our property so I thought that sooner or later we would get a picture of one.

We finally got a picture of a bobcat in January of 2006 and a second in June of 2006. It looks like we’re on a roll so we have decided to make a page just for bobcats. We’ll add more as soon as we get them. It could be next week or next year.

November Bobcat

It had been three months since our last bobcat picture. We caught this one in a location where Ryan had just hung a feeder. We didn't catch many buck pictures but we did get this bobcat picture.

August bobcat picture

It's been a little while since we had gotten a bobcat picture and when we finally did it is in the same location as the last bobcat picture.


Our second bobcat picture of 2008. This bobcat is walking along the end of a secluded area of a hayfield.

Bobcat chasing a deer

This deer is running from a bobcat. You can see its eyes in the background. This is our first bobcat picture in 2008.

Bobcat in alfa rack food plot

Here is a bobcat walking through a food plot that leads to a hayfield.

Sitting bobcat

Here is a bobcat looking out into a food plot. I can't tell what it is watching.

Lying bobcat

This is the same bobcat as the previous picture one minute later. Apparently it didn't go after whatever it was watching in the food plot.

Bobcat at a mineral lick

Here is a bobcat at a mineral lick.

A bobcat and a raccoon

Here is an interesting picture. I'd like to know if this bobcat tried to make this raccoon into dinner. I think the raccoon could put up a pretty good fight.

Here is a bobcat walking up under one of our feeders. This picture was taken on April 6th.

Hayfield bobcat 2007

This is our first bobcat picture in 2007 and it is back in the hayfield where we caught one carrying a squirrel last year.

January bobcat sighting

Our bobcat picture this week was captured about one mile from last weeks pictures.

Afternoon bobcat

This might be the best picture we have to date of the face of a bobcat. This picture was taken at 11:17 AM.

Camera bobcat

This bobcat seems to be looking at the Talon Extreme digital game camera as it is walking by. This picture was taken at 5:59 AM.

December bobcat

This picture was taken only seven minutes after the previous picture.

bobcat caught by a Trail Watcher game camera

This bobcat was caught by our camera about four and a half hours after the next picture about 80 yards away.

Bobcat picture taken with a Penns Woods

We caught this bobcat in December walking through our old house food plot.


We're now getting more bobcat pictures and we don't know if we keep getting pictures of the same one or not.

Bobcat with squirrel

We caught this bobcat carrying a squirrel away in late October. This picture was taken at 1:56 PM.


This is the first bobcat picture that we captured. It was sneeking past one of our automatic feeders.

bobcat picture

We got this picture in June. The bobcat was walking through one of our food plots. The next evening we got a picture of a coyote in this food plot as well.

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