Compound Bow Release
The Start Of Every Good Shot

I didn't start shooting my compound bow with a bow release, probably not unlike most whitetail deer hunters in the early eighties. I started shooting with a three fingered glove. Again like most hunters I eventually began using a bow release to try to improve my accuracy.

It took four attempts to find the release that I use today. This release is a TRU Ball single ball release that I purchased several years ago. The main reason that I picked this release was the ball that attaches to the string. I had torn up the serving on my bow string too often with the releases that attached to the string and I was looking to get rid of this problem. The TRU Ball release has cured this problem and has proven very dependable over the years.

While trying to decide what release that I would recommend to hunters, or even to my own son, I found that TRU Ball does not make the exact release that I use any longer. Rather than putting a ball on the string to attach the release to it is now more common for archery hunters to use a string loop or other similar gadget that the release is attached to so that the string is not damaged. Some of these are even manufactured so that your peep sight is aligned by attaching your release.

Due to the quality and dependability of my TRU Ball release I would strongly recommend them to anyone.

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