Bushnell Trailscout Picture Quality

The Bushnell Trailscout received a D+ for picture quality in the Game Camera Review. The pictures from the Bushnell were very similar to those of the Leaf River.

When the light was just right the pictures were OK. There just weren't very many of these pictures.

Every once in a while I would get a picture that was just black.

all black bushnell picture

Some of the daytime pictures were a little washed out with a little bit of a blue tint.

blue tint bushnell picture

Somewhat similar to the Leaf River the Bushnell had some difficulty at dawn and dusk, but not as bad. It looked like the flash did go off but for some reason there still isn't enough light to get a good picture. The animals needed to be real close to show up good.

bushnell picture at dawn

bushnell picture at dusk

Some pictures were too bright. The camera seemed to be real sensitive when the sun was shining in its direction. The sun wasn't shining directly at the camera but at 11:00AM the sun was too bright.

bushnell picture too bright

I don't know how the Bushnell performed in the rain. I don't think it ever rained when the camera was out and taking picture.

This camera also quit working properly and had to be returned.

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