Bushnell Trailscout 3.0 Picture Quality

We have given the Bushnell Trailscout 3.0 a D+ for picture quality. Its picture quality is similar to the Cuddeback 3.0, Moultrie 3.1 and the Wildview Xtreme II. The picture quality is just a little worse than the Cuddeback and Moultrie. The pictures are clearer than the Xtreme pictures but they have a green tint to them.

The Bushnell also has difficulty lighting up deer any distance from the camera at night and all low light situations.

Bushnell Trailscout 3.0 - 2 bucks

Bushnell Trailscout 3.0 - turkeys

Bushnell picture of a spike buck

Busnell Trailscout 3.0 picture at dark

Bushnell fawn picture

You can see that the pictures are clear but have the green tint and the poor performance of the flash.

I was hoping for better picture quality from this Bushnell. The poor flash performance is probably the most disappointing aspect.

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