Camtrakker Digital Ranger Picture Quality

We gave the Camtrakker Digital Ranger an A for picture quality. The Sony DSC-W30 takes real nice pictures although so far they do not appear to be as brilliant as those from the Sony S600.

Originally we had a problem with the pictures being blurry at the lower corners. After some expirementation we found that this was due to the camera being tilted forward in the case due to the placement of the padding behind it. We moved the padding and captured good picture, but we still got some pictures that were blurry in the lower corners so I have to assume that the camera had moved for some reason. I'm going to keep an eye on this so that we can get the camera to set straight up in the case.

This camera takes nice pictures at any time of the day or night. I’m not sure how far the flash will reach but we’ll find out soon once we start putting our trail cameras at food plots again this year.

Below are examples of pictures from different times of the day. The first picture was taken after we straightened the camera.

Camtrakker picture 1

Camtrakker picture 2

Camtrakker picture 3

Camtrakker picture 4

Camtrakker picture 5

Camtrakker picture 6

As you can see these are good pictures. We'll keep testing and let you know how things go.

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