July 5th Food Plot Update
Rain Needed

The good news for this visit was the food plot at whippoorwill. After leading the pack to be replanted this fall it is now showing some signs of life. The plot surely wasn’t a lush green sea of clover by any means, but after being mowed last week it did look better. The last couple of weeks we have not seen a lot of rain and especially this last week. There was not a lot of growth but the clover that is there did pop us some past the grass and the weeds haven’t come back. Optimistically the plot may be as much as 50 percent clover. This plot probably has the best soil of them all but its small size is definitely a hindrance.

Whippoorwill Food Plot close up.

Close up of Whippoorwill food plot.

The plot in the old garden is a little disappointing and needs rain. After being mowed last week the clover has not grown much and the grass has grown some. This week I have experimented by mowing one half of the plot with a garden tractor down to about three inches. This didn’t touch the clover much but knocked grass off of the top. I’ll check it in the next visit and see which area has responded the best. The plot is still about 75 percent clover.

Garden food plot

Garden food plot after half has been mowed.

The old corn patch plot hasn’t changed much, there is still a lot of competition with the weeds and grasses. There isn’t any difference inside and outside of the exclusion cage. This plot also could use some rain.

Corn Patch plot

Old Corn Patch Food Plot.

The plot at the middle clearing didn’t look much different than it did just after I mowed it last week. RAIN!

Middle food plot

Not much of a change at the middle food plot.

Somehow the plot at the old house just keeps charging on. It is still a good-looking plot of clover and the weeds and grass have not come on much since being mowed last week. This was the only plot where the clover was higher inside of the exclusion cage. It wasn’t as dramatic as previous weeks but there was definitely a difference.

Oldhouse clover

Clover in the cage at the oldhouse plot.

The key word for this update is RAIN. Each of the plots showed signs of the dry weather. Hopefully we will get some much needed precipitation.

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