Checking The Clover
May 8th Food Plot Update

The April 24th food plot update detailed the Imperial Whitetail Clover seeding of the garden food plot. Two weeks later, May 8, the young shoots had just started popping from the ground with the tiny green sprouts covering the entire plot. The rain that we received the prior evening along with the warm weather that is forecast for the coming week should give this this plot a good start.

During the April 24th visit we thought that the plot would soon need mowed. For once we were right. The clover, grasses and weeds in the plot were probably 18 inches high. I mowed the plot with the brush hog to a few inches high. The plot consists of about 75 percent clover. Hopefully the mowing will help the it thicken. I watched deer in the plot after dark, this plot receives a lot of nighttime activity since it’s close to the house.

Corn Patch Food Plot Photo

Old corn patch food plot after mowing.

The plot at the old house is still thick and green throughout most of the plot. The bare spot has not come back after seeding yet but small shoots are starting. Overall the plot is probably close to 90 percent clover and looks real good. On the first visit to the plot this week we chased out a turkey.

Old house food plot photo

Old house food plot.

The plot at the middle clearing is only about 50 percent clover, if that much and I’m hoping that the re-seeding that I did earlier starts to fill in. This plot will probably need mowed within the next couple of weeks.

Middle clearing plot photo

Middle clearing food plot.

It is interesting to note that the clover in the old corn patch was over 12 inches high while at the old house it was no more than a few inches high. I think that the seclusion of the old house food plot lets the deer feed while feeling secure. There are also several rabbits, groundhogs and turkeys that use the plot also.

To shop for Imperial Whitetail Clover products and other food plot seeds check out Bass

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