E-mail Us

ExtremeDeer is a site for hunters and also those that just like to watch whitetail deer. I would like to hear from you and know what you think of the site and what I could do to make it more useful to you. If you have any comments or would like to ask us a question please use the form below. Thanks.

Make sure you type in your e-mail address correctly and also type your e-mail address into the body of your message so I can get back to you. I've recently had a contact that I could not respond to due to an incorrect address. Please type your e-mail address in the line provided and in the message itself.

If you have contacted us and haven't heard back please try again. We answer all e-mails. If you haven't heard from us one of us has made a mistake so please try again.

ExtremeDeer Contact Form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

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