December 14th Whitetail Deer Photos

Last week was muzzleloader season which was the last opportunity to shoot a buck with a firearm. Bow season is in for the rest of December but I expect few hunters will be out looking for a buck at this time of the year. I think that we can be reasonably sure that the bucks we've captured photos of this week will still be around next year.

So far the best we have left include the nine point with sticker points, an eight point and a non-typical eight point. These three bucks could grow into some interesting looking bucks next year.

We've also seen a couple six point bucks and three four point bucks.

We didn't find any sheds yet but we didn't really expect too just yet. On the other hand, later this month we will start looking for them since we've found sheds in late December in the past.

These pictures were taken with our Camtrakker Digital Ranger, Trail Watcher 2060, Woodland SpyCam and Trail Watcher 2035.

Nine point buck

The nine point buck with sticker points, probably our best buck left after the season.

Eight point buck

The bigger eight point buck of the two eight pointers left.

Four point buck

Two four point bucks. The four point on the left is an aggresive buck.

Six Point Buck

The six point buck at a mineral lick.

Non-typical eight point buck

The non-typical eight point buck.

Two big whitetail bucks

Here are the nine point and eight point together. We'll be watching these two bucks real close over the next year.

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