December 15th Whitetail Deer Photographs

It's getting close to the end of the season here and we're starting to give up on seeing any of our old bucks that we had watched this summer and fall. It looks like they must be filling someones freezer, but we're going to keep looking.

The wounded eight point that showed up in last weeks pictures disappeared this week. We were hoping to watch him and see how well he healed up. Maybe he'll show up agian.

We also captured two more bobcat pictures so make sure you take a look at the bobcat pictures page.

We had two cameras quit working this week and I had another on a ten second delay at a feeder so we didn't have a lot of variety in pictures to look at. The one on the short delay was like watching a cartoon.

These pictures were taken with our , Trail Watcher 2040 and homemade WhitetailCam.

Four point buck

Here is one of the four point bucks we still have hanging around.

Two spike bucks

Two of our trophy spikes.

Five point buck

Since this buck has five points on his small antlers I'm hoping that his genetic inclination is for a lot of points in the years to come.

Seven point buck

Take a look at this small seven point buck coming in all fluffed up to intimidate the miniature spike buck.

Nine point buck

As our bigger bucks from the fall fail to return this small nine point starts looking bigger each week.

Eight point buck

A nice close picture of the wide eight point buck.

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