December 1st Deer Season Journal

I headed to our hunting property on Friday morning. I couldn’t wait any longer to see what bucks had showed up in front of our digital trail cameras this second week of buck season. The rest of the gang showed up later in the evening.

The trail cam pictures revealed about five bucks that we had been watching this fall were still around along with several smaller bucks. It looks like we have a few bucks that we can watch grow over the next year. The bad news was that the wide nine point that Ryan had shot at the week before didn’t show up in any of the pictures.

After downloading the pictures I had the chance to go out and sit a little in the evening and was entertained by a spike buck. My left leg fell asleep and the little buck saw me move when I tried to get some relief. I guess that some times my stealth capabilities aren’t the best.

I also walked around some, already thinking about next year and future hunting spots.

On Saturday morning I saw a button buck and more birds than I could count. Large groups of birds were flying over my blind doing their best imitation of a jet aircraft.

Ryan was in another location and saw the nine point with stickers, a six point, a four point and two spikes along with more birds.

In the afternoon another member of our group shot a doe. This was the first deer we had shot this year and it’s now the time of the season when I start thinking about how many does we have taken. Since this was the first doe I was glad to see her taken and we look to take a couple more does this month. She was a young doe but weighed 75 pounds dressed. This body weight is probably just above average for the does we have taken on our property.

Whitetail Doe

In the evening Megan, Ryan and I all went to the same place. Activity was slow until well after 4:00 PM when we finally started seeing deer. The first deer to show up was the nine point buck. He was later followed by two four point bucks and two spike bucks. There was also a button buck and a young doe hanging around.

Megan had some limited opportunities to take a shot at the nine point but decided not to take the shot. That buck spent most of his time standing right between us and one of our trail cameras. We still have muzzleloader season coming up which could give us another opportunity at this buck or one of the others but at this late point in the season we know that all of these bucks will be bigger next year so it gives you incentive to hold your shot.

The nine point that we saw is the buck on the right in this picture. This picture was taken at a different location than the spot where we saw him on Saturday evening. You never know for sure where they will show up.

Nine point whitetail buck

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