December 26th Deer Photos

The weather has been very cold and then we got a blast of snow so it had been three weeks since we had checked our cameras. Six of the eight cameras had dead batteries. I didn't expect to be gone so long or I would have set them with longer delays. In spite of this we still got quite a few good pictures.

We still didn't get any pictures of one of the nine point bucks that had been a regular and we didn't see the nice eight point that we got pictures of in early December. On the other hand we are still seeing some nice bucks that have some promise for next year.

We also got two pictures of bucks with shed antlers, the first on December 14th. Last year all of the bucks except one had shed its antlers by December 29th. We didn't get pictures on most of our cameras up to the 26th but we did see the nine point and a four point on our visit.

We got one good bobcat picture and two pictures of a coyote so make sure you check those picture pages.

This weeks pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Bigfoot SLE, Trail Watcher 2060 and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.

Tall racked eight point buck

The tall eight point walking along a logging road we have been watching. Bigfoot SLE

Seven point buck

A seven point buck we hadn't seen for a while. Bigfoot SLE

Eight point buck

One of our smaller eight point bucks checking a licking branch. Trail Watcher 2060

Two whitetail bucks

The nine point and an eight point buck near the same licking branch. Trail Watcher 2060

Sticker point buck

The eight point with sticker points, one of our bigger bodied bucks. StalkerCam

Nine point buck

The nine point buck, but not the boss buck. StalkerCam

Buck with shed antlers

The first buck with shed antlers in 2009. StalkerCam

Whitetail buck in the snow

A buck and two turkeys in the snow. Take a look at the two trail cameras with snow on them. Camtrakker

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