December 29th Deer PicturesFrom the pictures we have from the past week it looks like we only have one buck that still has its antlers. The rest of the bucks we have pictures of have already shed their antlers. By looking back at the pictures from past years we can see that this is the earliest the bucks have lost their antlers that we have documented. Now that most of the bucks have shed their antlers it is much harder to choose pictures for these pages. We are now looking for interesting pictures instead of looking for the biggest bucks. On the other hand it gives us a chance to show you some of the other deer and activities we see on our cameras. We didn't get any coyote or bobcat pictures this week, but Ryan did see three coyotes when we were trying to call them in. We also thought that we might have been visited by a bear again due to a badly bent cross brace on one of our feeders, but the pictures didn't catch the brace bender in action and no bear pictures were captured. These pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Trail Watcher 2060, Bigfoot and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.