December 8th Deer Season Journal

Although we can shoot does during the two week rifle season this last week was the doe only season so we headed off to see if we could bag one more doe.

Our other mission, of course, was to gather all of our digital trail camera pictures to see how many bucks made it through buck season. On this aspect we had some good news and some bad news. Out of the ten bucks that were seven points or better we had seen somewhat regularly this fall we saw three of them on our pictures this week and maybe a fourth. I also feel that we still may see one more over the coming weeks. Four out of ten isn’t great but it’s better than zero out of ten.

Saturday morning I headed out early with a doe on my mind but something must have happened on the way to the blind. Just before 7:30 a button buck and doe showed up and I failed to take the opportunity that presented itself. I was content to watch.

Over the next three hours I was entertained by six bucks, a button buck and a couple of does. I couldn’t pull the trigger on a doe due to my desire to see what may come along next. I guess I was still counting bucks and hoping to see more of our missing bucks. Out of the six bucks I saw, only one was bigger than a six point. It was great to see six bucks but the total combined inches of antler between the smallest five would not have made any of the record books.

I figured that once Ryan made it out of bed he would get a doe and our mission would be complete.

In the evening Ryan saw a few does but didn’t get the shot he was looking for at the doe he was looking for. I think I thought he was going to shoot one and he thought I was going to shoot one so there we were each pointing at the other. Quite a team we are!

Next week is muzzloader season and we hope to get more chances at does. Since we have only one muzzleloader I hope the weather is nice enough to take my bow out otherwise I’ll be in a blind with a camera. I’d better get my bow out and shoot a few arrows since I’ve shot little since October 30th.

Here is a picture of a six point buck that I saw on Saturday morning that is one of the deer that is on our watch list for next year. I think he has the potential to be a nice high racked buck next year and hopefully he will pick up at least two more points.

Six point whitetail buck

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