December 9th Deer Season Journal

December 9th was the last day of our regular doe season and we hoped to get a shot at a doe. Although we saw few deer during the entire season so far we did see quite a few deer in the fields from time to time so we know it would still be a good idea to take out another doe.

The temperature had bottomed out just below 20 degrees early Saturday morning and I’ll have to admit I wasn’t in a hurry to get out into the cold. I got up at about 7:20 and looked out all of the windows hoping to see a doe or two in the hayfield someplace so that I could try to get close for a shot. Unfortunately there were no deer to be found.

After a quick breakfast I headed out to see what I could run into and also pick up our new digital game camera that I’d put out for the first time the night before.

When I approached the first feeder I noticed that there were deer near the feeder. There were three deer including the wide eight point, the small seven point and a four point. Now, here it is doe season and I walk up on three bucks. The eight point left quickly and I got to watch the other two for a few minutes.

A while after they left I headed to the old house where I jumped two deer as I approached the food plot. I sat down at the edge of the plot where I could see the feeder at the other end and the entire food plot.

After sitting there for about 15 minutes a doe approached from the far end of the food plot, looking right at me from the beginning. She came to within about 60 yards and stopped to stare at me.

Looking at her with my binoculars revealed that she was a poor looking doe that I had several pictures of. I wanted to try to take this doe but she was looking right at me and my gun was on my lap.

Sure enough she soon had all she could take of me and trotted off.

On my way back to the house I walked up on a spike in the middle clearing food plot and a five point at the feeder. That’s the way it goes; doe season and five bucks spotted.

The biggest news of this weekend was the wounded eight point that we got pictures of at the feeder at the old house. The buck still looks like he’s still in good shape although he’s wounded in the back hip. Take a look at him in the picture below.

Wounded Eight Point Buck

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