December 9 Whitetail Photos

We got two weeks of pictures this visit encompassing the second week of buck season and a week of doe season. The biggest story this time is that the big ten point showed up the first Sunday and we didn't get another picture of him after that. To say the least we're dissapointed. We gambled that we could let this deer go this year and grow into a true monster next year, but you just never know where a buck will wander to.

The bright side is that we did pick up one decent buck, a ten point with a broken G-2. He's not as big as the one that got away, but we hope we keep seeing this buck.

We also have two smaller nine point bucks that showed up. They could both grow up into real nice bucks.

The other ten point that we've seen from time to time this fall also showed up. We're trying to figure out where this buck spends most of his time.

This time we didn't get any coyote, bobcat or black bear pictures. Check back next time.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Penns Woods DS-07, Woodland SpyCam, Treebark Cameras 4.1 and The Researcher.

Ten point buck

The ten point that our cameras catch from time to time that we've only seen once in person. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Big nine point buck

The big nine point we'll be looking for next year. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Small nine point buck

One of the two smaller nine point bucks. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Big eight point buck

One eye, our highest seniority buck. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Big ten point buck

The big ten point that we haven't seen since November 27th. Penns Woods DS-07

Nine point buck

The other smaller nine point at the other end of the property. Penns Woods DS-07

Seven point buck

Our favorite seven point buck with a smaller buck. The Researcher

Ten point whitetail buck

The new ten point that showed up at this feeder for the first time this year. Woodland SpyCam

10 Point Buck

The smaller ten point at the same feeder. Woodland SpyCam

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