May 31
Deer Food Plot Update

At this point now at the end of May the deer food plots along with everything in the woods has greened up and the deer now have their choice of forages. The clover planted in the old garden food plot has shot up to about four inches and there is minimal competition with weeds and grass in the majority of the plot. There has been plenty of rain and if the clover thickens up it should do real well. We didn’t see any deer in the plot and they seem to be leaving it alone right now.

Garden deer food plot picture

Garden Food Plot

The deer food plot at the old house still looked real good. The clover throughout the plot was five or six inches tall while inside the seclusion cage the clover was about twelve inches high. The clover is being eaten but not overgrazed and is nice and thick. I mowed the top off of the weeds and grasses that were in the plot and tried not to mow much of the clover. I wanted to knock back the weeds and grass and put them at the same height as the clover.

Oldhouse food plot picture

Clover In The Seclusion Cage At Oldhouse

I had to mow the old corn patch plot again this week. The clover inside of the seclusion cage was over twelve inches high and thick, while outside of the cage the grasses and weeds are coming on strong. It looks like this deer food plot is being overgrazed. We saw deer in the plot both evenings that we were there. As reported in the last update two weeks ago I had mowed two strips in the plot with two different mowers. This visit you could not tell the difference between the two areas. Interestingly enough on the edge of the plot we have been mowing it with the garden tractor and mowing it relatively low. The clover in this area looks real nice and thick. The next time I may mow the whole plot with the garden tractor down low and experiment with this plot to see how it reacts.

Old Corn Patch Picture

Clover Inside Of Cage At Old Corn Patch

The plots at whippoorwill and the middle clearing are hanging in there with minimal clover. There was little difference between the clover inside the seclusion cage and that outside of the cage. It will be interesting how they do this summer. I chased a rabbit out of the whippoorwill plot when I went to look at it. These plots are both small and secluded.

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