Deer Jaw Extractor

The Deer Jaw Extractor from G & R Products has solved one of the problems that we have encountered since we’ve been aging all of the deer that we shoot. We found that it doesn’t take long for the jaw to stiffen up on a dead deer after which it becomes very difficult to open. It has amazed me how tight the jaw gets once they stiffen up.

This tool opens the mouth up easily and has turned a job that used to take several minutes into a much quicker process. The Deer Jaw Extractor and a set of long handled pruning shears are all that is necessary for removing a deer jaw.

The easiest method is to use the pruning shears and jaw extractor to take out one side of the jaw but I use a knife to cut away the lower jaw skin and remove the entire lower jaw.

If you struggle with opening and removing the jaw, the Deer Jaw Extractor could save you a lot of time.

Here is a picture of the Deer Jaw Extractor. I should have taken a picture of it as we used it but that would have taken some forethought and that would have been unlike me.

Deer jaw extractor

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