Can't Do Without One

Some of us go into the woods with a fannypack or backpack stuffed full, as though we were going into the woods for days. I received a small fannypack several years ago and have used it extensively ever since.

There are so many things that I carry with me when I go out for my sit in the woods that my pockets no longer handle everything. This is especially true when one or more of my children are tagging along.

A while back I received a larger fannypack as a gift and handed the smaller one down to my son. I’ve found a lot more stuff to carry in this larger one. I even hauled my digital scouting camera around in it when I was moving the camera. At other times I also had my binoculars stashed in my fanny pack.

If you have been thinking about buying one I would recommend it. I know that I couldn’t do without mine now.
Fannypacks come in many different shapes, sizes and prices.

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