February 1st Whitetail Pictures

We got pictures of two bucks that still had antlers this time, but we know for sure that they have shed their antlers because I have them sitting here next to me and we got pictures of them in the process.

After picking up the antlers from the buck we called sticker point buck I now think that he is the same buck that we saw last year with similar antler characteristics. I didn't think that this was the same buck from the pictures, but we got one antler from this buck last year and when you compare them there are a lot of similarities along with added size on this years antler.

We also have a buck with a bad leg. When we looked at the pictures we thought that this might be the case, but when I went out to put the cameras back out I saw the buck and confirmed that he only had three good legs. It will be interesting to see how this buck develops over the coming year.

We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures this time so check back next time.

This weeks pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Bigfoot SLE, Woodland SpyCam and Treebark Cameras 4.1.

Eight point buck

The tall racked eight point buck early in January. Woodland SpyCam

Shed antler eight point buck

Here is the same buck with one antler left. We picked up both antlers not far from this location. Woodland SpyCam

Deer and Cardinal in snow

A deer and a cardinal at the feeder in the snow. StalkerCam

Deer and turkey standoff

This is the first time we've seen a turkey sitting on one of our crossbars. Even the deer is wondering what the turkey is doing. StalkerCam

Sticker Point Buck

The sticker point buck before he shed his antlers. Bigfoot SLE

One antler buck

Here is the sticker point buck with one antler left and you can see the other on the ground in the lower left corner of the picture. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Deer with broken leg

This is the deer with the bad leg. Bigfoot SLE

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