February 24th Whitetail Deer Photos

It's been six weeks since our last deer photos and a lot has happened over these weeks. Most if not all of the bucks have shed their antlers and we captured a few pictures of single antlered deer. The last picture of a buck with antlers was taken on February 3rd, but most of the cameras had either filled their memory cards or their batteries had failed by early February so we missed some activity.

We got photos of the wide eight point and the seven point with only one side of their antlers but the nine point appeared to lose his antlers without us seeing any evidence of it. He either disappeared or lost both antlers, we figure he just lost them without us seeing him in the process. The photos of the half rack eight point weren't good enough to include here but we did get a good one of the seven point with only one antler.

Since it looks like the bucks have all shed their antlers we've tried to include them all here. The next set of pictures we get will probably not have any antlered bucks so we'll be looking for other interesting things to show you, but before you know it they will be starting the growth process all over again.

These pictures were taken with our , Trail Watcher 2040, homemade WhitetailCam, Trail Watcher 2060 and a Woodland SpyCam.

Seven point buck

Here is the seven point buck two days before he shed his antlers.

Two whitetail bucks

We're looking forward to seeing these two bucks once they grow their next set of antlers.

Nine point buck

We think this nine point shed his antlers but we never saw him in the process.

Buck shedding antlers

We think this is the seven point with only his left side antler.

Four point buck

This four point buck seems to be sticking his tongue out at us. Perhaps he's upset the feeding troughs are empty.

Eight point buck

This photo was taken on a rainy day three days before this buck lost his antlers.

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