Food Plot Journal

We enjoy planting and maintaining our food plots and would like for you to join us. We'll have to admit that we're not experts. We're just folks that like to play in the dirt to try to give our deer something some nutritious food to eat. We unfortunately do not live close to our property so we have limited time to work in our plots and we often have to do things when the opportunity arrives rather than at the best possible time. We feel that we are not the only food plot planters in this situation and many share our difficulties.

The Food Plot Journal will also include other insights from our visits to our hunting property and some of our other blunders and successes.

Please join us in our struggles and follies as we try to plant nutritious food plots.

The Food Plot Journal will also include other insights from our visits to our hunting property and some of our other blunders and successes.

You can look at back issues of The Food Plot Journal here.

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