Hunting Gloves
Warm and Dry Digits

For the last few years when it is not bitter cold I wear cloth hunting gloves that have gripper dots on them. The dexterity that I have with these gloves is real good and they are quite warm.

When it gets real cold I have a nice pair of waterproof insulated gloves that are very nice. The only problem with these gloves is the loss of dexterity. Once it gets cold I usually start out with my gripper gloves and switch if my hands get cold.

Often I will try to put my hands in my pockets to warm them up. Hand warmers are nice when it gets really cold and can sometimes keep me in my stand longer, but I have not used them extensively. I have just started using them recently when we bought some to help keep the kids warm. The warm hand warmer feels good on your cheeks when your face gets cold.

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