Imperial Chicory PlusOn March 31st we disked, applied 350 lb. of lime and 50 lb. of fertilizer. After a few rainy weeks we came back on April 24th and disked, dragged with bedsprings, sowed the Imperial Chicory Plus and then ran over the seed with our ATV's. This product is a blend of Chicory and Imperial Whitetail Clover. From April 24th until mid June we saw very little chicory or clover growing and eventually grass and weeds started growing in the plot. For some reason the chicory and clover did not grow. I'm not quite sure what happened. This plot had been planted in the fall of 2006 when it was limed and fertilized and then it was limed and fertilized again in March. We've used this plot ever since we started planting food plots and this is the first time we've had a failure like this. This ground should have grown a thriving plot of chicory and clover. On June 22nd we disked the plot and planted a combination of Biologic Maximum and Imperial Power Plant that we had left over from 2006. These seeds all grew well and the sorghum is thriving into the fall with some of the stalks growing to well over 6 ft. tall. I'm not quite sure what happened with our planting. I wondered if the seed was old but the date on the bag was December 2007. I can't rule out the possibility that I did something wrong, but I sure can't put my thumb on it. Maybe we'll give chicory another try some time.