Imperial Whitetail ExtremeExtreme is a blend of an evergreen forb, chicory and clover that can be planted in both the spring and fall. We had planted it in one of our food plots in the fall of 2004 and had mixed results. In the spring of 2005 we had some of the seed left over so we thought that we would give it a try in one of our smallest plots that has real nice dirt. On April 15 and 16, 2005 we limed, fertilized, disked and planted the Extreme. We likely used 50 pound of lime. By May the Extreme had jumped up and we used some Arrest grass herbicide to kill a little grass that had popped up but overall the plot looked pretty good. In June a weed had taken over the Extreme. I don’t know what the weed was but it had pretty purple flowers. From the difference inside and outside of the exclusion cage the deer were eating the weed. Throughout the rest of the summer the weed with the pretty purple flowers ruled over this plot and any sign of the Extreme was hard to find. The plot of Extreme that we planted in the fall of 2004 is still going in the spring of 2006 but it is not what I would call a strong thick food plot. It appears to consist mostly of weeds. We are watching it regularly with digital scouting cameras to see how much deer activity there is on the plot. We plan on planting a fall annual in it this fall. For whatever reason the Imperial Whitetail Extreme has not grown well for us. I don’t know why this is but I think the Whitetail Institutes reputation is such that this plant must do well for others or I don’t think they would sell it. I’ve wondered if the deer were able to wipe our Extreme plots out early and not let them get started. Our small plots and large deer numbers make this a likely possibility. You can read more about our food plot adventures monthly at our past Food Plot Journal Updates. You can also sign up to recieve the Food Plot Journal below.