July 21st Whitetail Deer Photographs

We only had ten digital game cameras out this time since I forgot one set of batteries back at home the last time we set them up and the battery went dead in one camera on the 17th. I knew this was an old battery but forgot to check it and lost a few days of pictures in a prime spot. In spite of this bone headed move we still got a few pictures.

We think we have at least five eight point bucks visiting our food plots and one of them is trying to get a ninth point. I believe he still has a couple of weeks of growth left, so I hope he picks up that extra point.

The number of small spotted fawns we're still getting pictures of is making me wonder if they are being born too late. I've already told my son that we need to take several does this season to try to knock the population down a bit.

We have now started putting one camera at another one of our mineral licks and have gotten quite a few pictures there. They are still visiting it regularly.

These pictures were taken with our Woodland SpyCam, Penn’s Woods Digital Scout and a Trail Watcher 2060.

Whitetail Buck

This is a close one of a small eight point buck that is just barely an eight point.

Small eight point buck

This is another young eight point buck with just a little more tine growth.

Eight point whitetail buck

A rainy night made for a tough picture but this was the only pictures we got of this wide racked buck. A closer picture, two pictures later, showed that he is getting a ninth point.

Eight point buck close up

This is another decent eight point that isn't real wide but is growing rather tall.

Spike buck looking between its legs

This is a spike buck looking back between his legs towards the camera. He spent several minutes grooming himself and we got 13 pictures of him.

8 point West Virginia buck

Another small eight point buck.

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