July 28 Whitetail Pictures

It's been eight days since our last set of pictures and late July has arrived. The bucks have probably put on most of their antler size and we have some nice bucks. How they compare to previous years is hard to determine. Maybe I'll let you make up your own mind.

I know for sure that we have two nine point bucks, one with the extra tine on the left and one with the extra tine on the right. I'm glad they are on opposite sides or I would still be guessing.

We also have a main frame eight point that might be our oldest buck. He has nice width but not much tine length.

We don't have much to talk about after these three bucks. A couple of small eights and a strange looking seven along with a couple other small bucks.

We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures so check back next week.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 4220, Swamp Ghost Trail Camera, StalkeCam and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.

Nine point buck

This is one of our nine point bucks. I think this is the smaller of the two. Trail Watcher 4220

9 Point Buck

This is the other nine point. Which one is bigger? Swamp Ghost

Six point buck

A young six point buck. Swamp Ghost

Eight point buck

This is the wide framed eight point. StalkerCam

Young eight point buck

One of our small eight point bucks. StalkerCam

Wide eight point buck

Another look at the wide eight point. Is he a nicer buck than the bigger nine point? StalkerCam

Eight point buck

An interesting eight point. Camtrakker

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