July 30th Whitetail Deer Photos

I've been surprised by the amount of antler growth over the last month and we now have a couple of pretty nice bucks and some interesting ones as well, but we're still looking for the buck whose shed we found last year.

When I compare the pictures to last year it looks like we may have more bucks hanging around and their antlers and bodies may even be a little larger overall.

We have also finally got more coyote pictures. We hadn't captured a coyote picture since last September but we still knew they were around since we had heard them but for some reason we they weren't getting in front of our cameras. Altogether we got three pictures in three different locations over the past two weeks. Make sure you check out the coyote picture page.

Since we got our first black bear picture two weeks ago you know we were looking for another one this week. Take a look at the last picture and let us know what you think.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2040, Woodland SpyCam, Camtrakker Digital Ranger and EagleEye digital trail cameras.

Wide racked seven point buck

Here is a seven point buck whose antlers remind me of the nine point we had on our place two years ago, especially the one small brow tine. I'd say this buck has some of those genetics.

Eight point buck

A young eight point buck.

Nine point buck

In some of the pictures this buck looks freakishly wide. If he had more mass he would be a great buck. (Is freakishly a word or have I made up another word?)

Ten point buck

This buck looks like he's going to be a ten point but the overall antler size isn't there yet.

Sticker point buck

It looks like some of those sticker points are going to amount to something. I'm curious what he'll look like once his velvet sheds.

Seven point buck

The tall seven point buck. It looks like they almost go straight in the air.

Black Bear Fur

Here is our picture of unknown black fur. It's funny, when we first saw coyotes every unknown picture was a coyote, when we first saw bobcats every picture was a bobcat, so now every fuzzy picture will be a black bear for a while.

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