July 31 Whitetail Photos

It's been just over two weeks since our last set of pictures. We now have three bucks that look like pretty nice bucks. Two are ten points and the third is the buck with a bad eye that still has an eight point frame with one sticker. One of the tens looks like it's going to be the biggest, but there is still one buck that we haven't seen yet this summer. Hopefully we'll get pictures of him this week.

We also got pictures of a couple of other bucks but we didn't get good enough pictures of them to make the page this week. One looks like a seven point that is bigger than your average seven point.

I have to admit that I was a little concerned about how big our bucks were going to get a month ago, but they've grown real nice through the end of July.

We didn't get any bobcats or coyotes, but we did get a visit from a black bear again. It showed up on July 30 and visited two of our feeders. Make sure you check out the black bear pictures page.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Penns Woods DS-07, StalkerCam, Treebark Cameras 4.1, Swamp Ghost SG-N60 and Trail Watcher 2060.

Ten point buck

This buck has grown into a real nice buck. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Buck and fawn picture

Here is the same buck and a fawn. Trail Watcher 2060

Eight point buck

An eight point that looks like he's going to get more tine length in this picture. Swamp Ghost

Here is another good looking ten point. Penns Woods DS-07

A small eight point at one of our feeders. StalkerCam

Big eight point buck

One Eye has grown a pretty nice eight point rack. StalkerCam

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