June 23rd Whitetail Deer Photographs

This time our cameras were out for three weeks and we had quite a few pictures to look at.

The most interesting pictures were probably the two coyote pictures and the bobcat pictures. I'm going to make a page just for coyotes and bobcats so I'm not going to include them on this page.

The bucks antlers have continued to grow and it looks like we have a couple that may just be spikes, fortunately it's still early yet. We didn't get pictures of a couple of bucks we had been watching but there are some that show a little promise. There also other bucks that won't make this page but you can see that they aren't bad looking bucks.

We also got two pictures of a bird in flight which are included below.

These pictures were taken with our Woodland SpyCam and an EagleEye Trail Camera.

Close picture of a buck

A real close picture of a young buck. I don't think that this one is going to be a bruiser but we'll wait and see.

Whitetail Doe and Fawn

Here is our fawn picture for this week. They're moving right across the food plot and didn't stick around for another picture.

Two whitetail bucks

Two whitetail bucks that aren't jaw dropping but this picture was taken on June 7th, so they had a couple of months to grow.

Whitetail Buck

Here is a buck on June 10th. Notice how although it's neck isn't huge, it is starting to get a little size to it.

Bird caught in flight

I can't believe how clear this flying bird is. By the way, there is a deer in the background as well.

Buck in velvet with a sticker point

This buck is getting a sticker point on his left antler that will make him easier to identify. We'll keep watching for this one. Also, check out the flying bird in the background.

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