June 25th Deer Pictures

Our cameras were out for two weeks this time but battery difficulties and a yet to be diagnosed camera problem gave us fewer pictures than we anticipated. Regardless, we still have a few pictures that we thought were interesting.

After a two month dry spell we finally got another bobcat picture and it is a good one. The "end of the hayfield" location always seems to provide some interesting pictures and this week was no exception. Take a look at the bobcat pictures page to see the latest picture.

We weren't able to get any good pictures of our biggest bucks this time. We did get them on one of our cameras but they were too far away to put on the page. Hopefully we'll do better next week. The bigger bucks haven't been visiting our mineral licks so it's a little harder to get good pictures of them.

I staked out our best clover plot but our previously mentioned camera problems kept the good quality pictures to a minumum. This week I only put one camera on this plot but I've started to stake out a couple of our other food plots.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2035, Camtrakker Digital Ranger and Homemade WhitetailCam S40.

Spike buck

Here is one of our trophy spike bucks. Trail Watcher 2035

Whitetail buck

This is a six point buck that may be the split brow tine buck, but it's hard to tell for sure. Trail Watcher 2035

Split brow tine buck

This is the split brow tine buck, at a different mineral lick. Camtrakker

Velvet antler buck

This isn't the best picture but it is one of the larger bucks that we caught this time. Camtrakker

Six point buck

This is the buck with the strange right antler. I'm curious to see how his antlers continue to develop. Camtrakker

Whitetail doe and fawn

A real nice picture of a doe and her fawn. WhitetailCam S40

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