June 8th Whitetail Deer Photos

Finally, we have bucks showing some antler development. Two weeks ago I thought that our bucks may be a little behind last years antler development, but after this set of pictures it looks like they may have caught up. We can't yet identify individual bucks but I think we'll soon start to see some different characteristics. I'm not making any trophy antler pedictions yet but I'm anxious to see how some of the bucks from last year develop. I was impressed by the antler development over the last two weeks.

We also captured six bobcat pictures this time, the most since we've been using digital trail cameras. If only we could tell how many bobcats we are getting pictures of. We have no idea if we only have one bobcat or several. Make sure you check out our bobcat pictures page.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2060, Camtrakker Digital Ranger, EagleEye, homemade WhitetailCam P41 and Cuddeback Expert.

Deer with no ears

In our last set of pictures we had a doe that looked like she only had one ear. This time we have a doe that has hidden both ears.

Whitetail fawn

Here is our fawn picture for this set and the only fawn we got a picture of.

Whitetail buck

Here is one of our bucks walking through a fledgling food plot on June 3rd.

Buck growing antlers

Here is another buck on June 7th in the same food plot. Do you think it could be the same buck? Could his antlers grow that fast?

Whitetail buck

This isn't the best picture or the biggest buck, but this buck is over half mile from where the previous pictures were taken.

Whitetail buck and raccoon

Here is a buck and a raccoon. It will be nice when we can identify the individual bucks again.

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