Leaf River IR Scouting Camera Picture Quality

I gave the Leaf River IR scouting camera an F for picture quality. I'm real disappointed with the picture quality of the IR version of the Leaf River digital scouting camera.

I thought that the daytime pictures should be good pictures with good color quality and that the nighttime pictures would be a little different with the IR lighting. Through the first 144 pictures from the Leaf River IR there aren't any good pictures, even the pictures taken in daylight. The pictures from this digital scouting camera are not even as good as the non IR Leaf River digital scouting camera pictures.

Just about every picture has a color shade. The best thing to do is to take a look at the pictures. Below are some examples so that you can take a look.

Leaf River IR picture

This picture was taken at 1:03 in the afternoon.

Leaf River picture

There were several pictures like these that are a poor black and white quality.

Leaf River scouting camera picture

A few of the pictures had a red tint such as this one.

Leaf River digital scouting camera picture

This was the best picture out of the first 144 pictures taken.

Leaf River IR digital scouting camera picture

Leaf River IR digital game camera picture

These two pictures are more examples of the pictures that we got with the Leaf River IR scouting camera.

I have been disappointed with the picture quality of the Leaf River IR scouting camera. I was under the impression that the IR technology was supposed to be a step up in digital scouting camera quality but if this is what it gives then I'll stay with the flash cameras.

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