March 10th Whitetail Deer Photos

This is a difficult time of year for our deer cameras. The bucks have all shed their antlers so we no longer have buck pictures to dazzle you with so we'll try to find the most interesting pictures we have until the velvet starts to pop up above their heads.

There is a debate among hunters about whether or not the flash of our digital trail cameras spook deer. Personally I've not seen evidence of this and we got a series of pictures this time that confirmed this, at least with these particular deer. We got 9 pictures of a deer lying over a 54 minute period of time. Surely the flash didn't spook this deer and the other deer that were around as well. We included one of these pictures below.

We also got another bobcat picture this time. Make sure you check out the bobcat pictures page.

Now that the bucks no longer have their antlers we'll be seeing other critters showing up on this page and we've started this week with one of our friendly raccons, stay tuned for turkeys and who knows what else in the next few weeks.

These pictures were taken with our Woodland SpyCam, homemade WhitetailCam S40, EagleEye, Penn's Woods Digital Scout and Trail Watcher 2040.

Whitetail deer in the snow

We always get some pictures each year of deer in the snow. Here is one of the prettiest that we got in this set of pictures.

Three whitetail bucks

Here are three of our bucks but we have no idea which bucks these are.

Three whitetail bucks

I thought the antler pedicals on this buck looked like they are about to erupt and start growing a record book rack,,,,or maybe I'm just being optimistic.

Resting deer

Here are two deer taking a rest in front of our camera. The one on the left stayed 54 minutes and allowed nine pictures to be taken.

Deer in the snow

Here is a young deer in the snow. It's amazing how the insulating qualities of their hair lets snow pile up on them.

Deer feeder raccoon

If only this raccoon could figure out how to use the winch he would be the best liked raccoon in the woods. It wouldn't surprise me if they eventually figured it out.

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