March 18 Whitetail PhotosIt has been almost four weeks since our last set of pictures. Once again the weather and unforseen circumstances have kept us away, but spring arrives soon so we expect to be able to make more visits now that the weather should be improving. We still got pictures of three bucks and one buck still had its antlers on March 14. On our trip to our property we saw an eight point buck feeding along the road, so we could still have a buck with antlers. It seems to me that the good condition the deer are in has allowed them to keep their antlers longer than past years. We got a chance to look for some shed antlers and we did find a few. Our neighbor found the sheds from the big nine point and left them hanging by one of our cameras, but someone took them. This is very disheartening since we have not had problems like this in the past. Other than this set we seem to have found more antlers from past years than antlers from this year, but it's still fun to find them. We didn't get any fox, coyote, bear or bobcat pictures this week so check back next time. This weeks pictures were taken with our Swamp Ghost, EagleEye and StalkerCam. ![]()